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Retinal Eye Rapid Access

Retinal Eye Rapid Access Clinic, Eye Centre, Mater Private Network, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, D07 WKW8 01 885 8621 ereferrals@materprivate.ie

Please note a referral letter will be required before an appointment can be confirmed.

Useful Information

About this service

Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of retinal eye conditions 

At Mater Private eye centre, we offer rapid access to patients suffering from suspected retinal eye conditions such as: 

In order to confirm diagnosis of a retinal eye condition, a number of tests may be carried out and your history will be assessed. Depending on your symptoms, any of the following may be included: 

If following assessment at Mater Private eye centre a patient is diagnosed with a retinal eye condition, we have a large team of consultant ophthalmologists based at our eye centre who specialise in the treatment of these conditions. Depending on your specific condition, one of the following treatments may be recommended: 

  • Anti-VEGF, steroid injections 
  • Laser photocoagulation 
  • Vitrectomy 
  • Membrane peeling 
  • Macular hole surgical repair
  • Retinal detachment repair (including paediatric) 
  • Intraocular telescope
  • Low vision assessment and treatment 

Service Hours are: Monday - Thursday 8am - 4pm and Friday 7:30am - 2pm 

Referrals to our rapid access service are reviewed by our clinical nurse specialist within two hours of receipt of a referral and will be allocated to the appropriate or named consultant. 

All scans and appointments will be booked directly with the patient. 

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Dublin and Cork

Eye Care

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