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Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram

Contact Us

Eye Centre, Level 5, Mater Private Network, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, D07 WKW8 01 885 8621 ereferrals@materprivate.ie

Please note that a referral letter is required before an appointment can be confirmed.

Useful Information

About this service

Fluorescein angiography is a diagnostic procedure which photographs the retina - the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.

This test is used to diagnose certain eye conditions, and to determine and plan treatment.

Common conditions requiring fluorescein angiography include macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vascular disease. In some cases, the angiography may be repeated to monitor your response to treatment or changes in an eye condition.

The procedure

Your registered nurse will begin by explaining the procedure and its potential side effects to you. They will also obtain consent for the procedure from you. 

Before the procedure begins, your nurse will assess you to understand if there are any reasons that may make the procedure harmful to you. They will also check how well your eyes can distinguish objects, and the natural pressure inside your eyes.

Following these checks, your nurse will dilate your eye using drops. They will then inject a dye into your blood through a cannula in your arm or hand. The dye is used to highlight the blood vessels at the back of the eye. 

You will be positioned in front of a specialised camera. A few seconds later, as the dye reaches the vessels at the back of your eye, a series of photographs are taken which will then be reviewed by your consultant. This test typically takes four to five minutes to complete, causes little discomfort, and needs no special preparation.

There is no permanent effect on your vision from having the test done.

Following the procedure

Once the procedure is complete, your close vision may be affected by dilation of your eyes. This can last for up to 24 hours. It is advised that you do not drive during this period. Wearing sunglasses may also be beneficial as your eyes may be sensitive to light.

Sometimes, the dye used in the procedure makes your skin look yellow, and your urine may be orange or yellow in appearance for up to two days after the test. These effects are temporary and harmless. Drink plenty of water during this period to flush out the dye from your system.

In cases where you have an appointment with your consultant on the day of the test, your images will be reviewed on the same day. If you do not have an appointment with your consultant on the same day, you will be contacted once your images have been reviewed.