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ROI Reimbursement Scheme

(Formerly EU Cross Border Directive)

Mater Private Network, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, D07 WKW8 00353 85 870 4674 ROIscheme@materprivate.ie

The scheme has been closed to new applications as of 21th September 2022. Please visit HSC website for further information.

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If you live in Northern Ireland and are currently on a waiting list for surgery or medical treatment through a National Heath Service (NHS) or Health & Social Care (HSCNI) Board then you may be eligible to access treatment through the Republic of Ireland (ROI) Reimbursement Scheme. The ROI Reimbursement Scheme (formerly the European Union Cross Border Directive) allows a patient to travel to the Republic of Ireland to receive their surgery or medical treatment.  Once approved by the HSCNI Board, patients usually pay for treatment themselves and can be reimbursed afterwards for approximately 50-80% of these costs.

Both our hospitals in Dublin and Cork are easily accessible by car and public transport.

  • Mater Private Network in Dublin is located in the city centre and can be reached from the M1 motorway and Connolly train station. Further information is available here.
  • Mater Private Network in Cork is located 6km from the city centre at Citygate, Mahon and can be reached via the M8 motorway and from Kent train station. Further information is available here.

We have expert consultant surgeons who can provide the care that you need across a range of specialties, including: Orthopaedics, Spine, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Urology, General Surgery and Cancer Services. We also have a dedicated Patient Coordinator on hand to streamline the process and support you throughout your experience with Mater Private Network.

Our Patient Coordinator - Orla Smith - will act as the primary point of contact for all queries and can be reached on 085 870 4674 (+353 85 870 4674 outside of Rep. of Ireland) or via email at ROIscheme@materprivate.ie

  Mater Private ROI Reimbursement Scheme - Patient Information Booklet (pdf) | 1.16MB

The service from Mater Private is designed with our patients' needs in mind, to provide a streamlined patient experience that is as easy and comfortable as possible.

If you’re interested in finding out more about accessing treatment through the ROI Reimbursement Scheme, the first step is to get in touch with our dedicated Patient Coordinator by phone or email. Everything you need to know will be explained in detail, and you will be supported every step of the way. You will receive:

  • Initial contact within 24 hours from our Patient Co-Ordinator.
  • A comprehensive information pack within 24 hours.
  • Assistance to organise hotel accommodation and travel arrangements.
  • Initial consultant appointment within 3-5 working days for Orthopaedics and Cardiology
  • Initial consultant appointment within two weeks for all other specialties.
  • Assurance of quality care in a fully serviced high-tech, JCI accredited hospital, including full cardiology and Intensive Care back-up if needed, making it one of the safest hospitals for patients undergoing major operations.
  • Fixed price guaranteed, with assurance of all-inclusive pricing for admission up to 28 nights and any subsequent readmissions for up to 28 days if needed.


Take a look at the recording of our online public information meeting and learn more about how you can access treatment through the ROI Reimbursement Scheme. Services covered in this event are: Spine Surgery, Urology, Orthopeadics and Ophthalmology.


If you would like to learn more about our Cardiology and General Surgery Services, the recording of the previous online public information meeting is available here

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You will receive a call from our Patient Coordinator within 24 hours of your first contact to Mater Private Network.
  • We will send you an information pack with a formal quotation (price) for the required procedure, along with application forms and guidance about the reimbursement application process to HSCNI. This can be sent by post or email.
  • Once your GP referral letter has been received, our Patient Coordinator will ensure you are referred to the most suitable consultant for your condition.
  • An appointment will be offered to you by the consultant’s secretary. Our Patient Coordinator will follow up with you directly if you need an urgent appointment.
  • Appointments for a cardiology or orthopaedics consultation are generally available within 3-5 working days, and all other specialties within 2 weeks.
  • You can attend your appointment in person, or via video consultation if the consultant agrees this is appropriate for your condition.
  • Advice on travel arrangements will be provided, along with directions to the hospital.  If required, our Patient Coordinator can book hotel accommodation for you (and/or the person accompanying you) at a local hotel at a discounted rate.
  • Our dedicated Patient Coordinator will assist you with all the required information to make a formal application before you attend a pre-op consultation.
  • Once you submit your signed documentation to the HSCNI National Contact Point, you will be advised how much of the total cost you can expect to be reimbursed.  Approval is normally granted within 20-30 working days of your application being sent.
  • Once you are happy to go ahead with your procedure, you will be booked for treatment within 4-6 weeks of your initial consultation.  Full payment must be made to Mater Private Network in advance of your procedure.
  • When your surgery is complete you should submit proof of payment to the HSCNI board, in order to receive the agreed reimbursement of costs. 
  • As the patient, you are responsible for all aspects of the reimbursement application process to the HSCNI. Mater Private will provide the necessary proof of payment to you, but the reimbursed costs will be paid directly to you by HSCNI.
  • Following your consultation, our Patient Coordinator will contact you if additional diagnostic scans or tests are required before any procedure is carried out. If any additional pre-operative tests are needed and those costs are not covered under the surgical package, this information will be provided to you in advance so you can make a fully informed decision about how to proceed.

If you decide to go ahead with your treatment at Mater Private Network, you will receive a comprehensive information from the consultant's secretary which includes:

  • Date of admission and time of check-in
  • Fasting instructions and other pre-operative preparation
  • A request to inform your consultant via their secretary about any blood thinning medication you may be on, or if you become unwell with any of the following symptoms prior to your admission date:  common cold, cough, flu, symptoms, diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash etc.
  • An admissions and discharge patient checklist to help you prepare for your hospital stay, i.e., guidance about what to bring to the hospital, and to ensure you have a prescription and a plan on discharge should you need to contact the hospital

Six weeks after your surgery, you will need to return to the post-operative outpatient department for a review of your progress. If all goes well, you will then be discharged from Mater Private Network.

  • Mater Private Network Dublin is a high-tech hospital with access to the Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Cardiac Care on campus. This offers you the reassurance of a comprehensive full hospital service, because we have the expertise on-site to handle wider and complex medical needs if required.
  • Mater Private Network is recognised as offering some of the most technologically advanced treatment options in Ireland. We are clinical leaders in robotic-assisted procedures and minimally invasive surgery. This can help reduce any side-effects and speed up your recovery and discharge from hospital.
  • Our dedicated Patient Coordinator is on hand to streamline the process and support you throughout your experience with Mater Private Network.
  • We have a team of over 300 leading consultants who bring their patients from all over Ireland to our facilities, with the highest confidence in the standard of care we offer.
  • Mater Private Network is a Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited hospital – this is an internationally recognised quality standard, promoting rigorous standards of patient safety and quality of care.
  • We offer an all-inclusive price for a full surgical package that covers 28-day post-operative care or re-admission (if needed). This package includes pre-operative consultation, x-rays, pre-operative COVID19 PCR test, PAC clinic review, consultant and anaesthetist professional procedure fees, and hospital accommodation.

Payment is required no later than 7 days prior to your procedure, and can be made in any of the following ways – see below for full details:

  1. Bank Transfer
  2. Debit/ Credit Card
  3. Online via our Bill Payment facility

Please note: to pay by bank transfer or via our online bill payment facility, you will need to reference your “Medical Reference Number” (MRN). This can be given to you by your consultant’s secretary, the central bookings office, or it will be in the letter confirming the date of your procedure. 


1. To pay by bank transfer, please use the following details: 

Bank:  Allied Irish Banks, 140 Lower Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9 
Account Number: 34787009 
Sort Code: 93 22 05 
Account Name: Mater Private Hospital Ltd. No. 1 Current Account 
IBAN: IE87 AIBK 9322 0534 7870 09 

Please ensure that your Medical Reference Number (MRN) is referenced on your transaction for identification purposes.

2. To pay by debit or credit card, please telephone 00353 1 882 2649 

3. To pay via our online Bill Payment facility, please click here.


When your payment is complete you will receive an invoice/receipt that includes an itemised breakdown of your treatment costs. This can be submitted as proof of payment to the HSCNI as part of your reimbursement application process.

  • If post-operative complications arise, please attend your local GP in first instance.
  • If you need to be re-admitted to Mater Private, you will be contacted by the consultant secretary or ROI Reimbursement Scheme Patient Coordinator. Re-admission cover is provided for 28 days post procedure date. Please note that an admission appointment can be made via the Emergency Department at Mater Private Network.

Patient Testimonials

“Everything at the hospital was completely seamless – it was like a military operation with everything going to plan and everyone knowing exactly what they were doing.  And what really struck me was how nice everyone was and how they all made me feel like a human being rather than a number on a list to be ticked off. The whole thing was very professional. Now a couple of months later, I’m as good as new – or as good as old I should say given my age – but I’m completely fixed. I would highly recommend the scheme to anyone who needs surgery.”

Mr. Hugh McCartney, Newtownards, October 2022

“I was in significant pain and my quality of life was deteriorating by the month when the National Health Service (NHS) informed me that I would have to wait over two years for an operation to replace my right hip. The news left me feeling completely dejected, but through my own research I luckily found out about the Cross Border Healthcare Directive. While the Cross Border Directive provided me with the option of getting the operation done outside of Northern Ireland, my initial telephone call with the team at the Mater Private confirmed my decision to choose Dublin, without any doubt. To my delight, the hospital offered me a consultation appointment the following day and one month later I travelled to Dublin from my home in Belfast for a pre-op assessment. In short, I was totally impressed with the service and could not have asked for better treatment. The staff at the hospital are wonderful and they made me feel like a special guest. I would have no hesitation in recommending the Mater Private, who went above and beyond superlative clinical care."

Mr. McGowan, Belfast, September 2021