Our Emergency Department in Dublin is now open every day of the week, including bank holidays, from 8am to 7pm, to provide fast and specialised treatment.

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Introducing Perl, our new Electronic Health Record system

Perl gives care teams fast and secure access to your medical records throughout your healthcare journey.

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Daisy Awards

We are proud to recognise the exceptional efforts of our nursing staff through the DAISY Awards.

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Mask Wearing Guidelines
Patients and visitors are no longer required to wear a mask/face covering. However, if you prefer to wear a mask, you may do so. 
If you are attending our facilities with respiratory symptoms, you must wear a standard surgical mask all the time. if you can tolerate an FFP2 mask will be offered to you.


Emergency Care

Mater Private Network offers a range of urgent rapid access services in both Dublin and Cork including two Emergency Departments and two Urgent Cardiac Care Departments.

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