Our Emergency Department in Dublin is now open every day of the week, including bank holidays, from 8am to 7pm, to provide fast and specialised treatment.

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GP Clinical Nurse Liaison
GP Clinical Nurse Liaison

Contact us

Our GP Nurse Liaison offers single point of contact and support to GPs in the following ways:

  • accessing reports & results  - reporting, interpretation, follow-up
  • post-discharge patient follow-up
  • clinical queries
  • guidance on referral pathways 
  • guidance on services & specialties

Referrers can contact our GP Nurse Liaison to discuss clinical pathway options and recommendations. This service can assist GPs in accessing services, receiving timely reports, or detailed discharge information.

The service is managed by Clinical Nurse Managers and is available at the following times:

  • Dublin: Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 3pm; Friday 8.30am to 12pm.

GP Clinical Nurse Liaison, Dublin - Kathryn Kennedy

Kathryn has over 22 years as a clinical nurse manager, in a wide variety of specialties including critical care, cardiology, medical surgical, spine and orthopaedic, and respiratory medical departments. She has a broad and detailed clinical expertise along with strong relationships with various teams at Mater Private Network, Dublin.

“Dealing daily with patients and GPs, I have seen the challenges that can arise when there is an information gap. My role as GP Nurse Liaison offers you a single point of contact, particularly in the areas of reporting queries, patient discharge and follow-up patient care.  I am that ‘person-you-can-actually-call’ and help you to quickly access information you may require when caring for your patient." Kathryn Kennedy

This service is part of our commitment to improving communication and care coordination.