Our Emergency Department in Dublin is now open every day of the week, including bank holidays, from 8am to 7pm, to provide fast and specialised treatment.

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Visitor Guidelines

Visitors play an important part in the healing process.

The health and safety of our patients, visitors and staff remains a top priority at Mater Private Network. With this in mind, we have revised our policy for visitors to the hospital. We will continue to monitor the situation in the community and adapt as necessary. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The Infection Prevention and Control team at Mater Private Network aims to reduce the risk of infections including the transmission of respiratory viruses like COVID-19 among staff and patients in all departments in the hospital or off site; therefore, we all must be vigilant and compliant with the infection prevention and control protocols put in place to reduce these risks through a multi-factorial approach. 

All visitors to Mater Private Network must adhere to directions on essential infection prevention and control practices including maintaining social distance (in so far as appropriate to their purpose), mask use, respiratory hygiene, cough etiquette and hand hygiene.

Mask wearing guidelines

Patients and visitors are no longer required to wear a mask/face covering. However, if you prefer to wear a mask, please wear a standard surgical mask provided to you by the hospital.

We ask that if you have any respiratory symptom that you defer your visit until you are feeling well.

  • A risk assessment should take account of the overall care needs, rights and wishes of patients, the risk of severe infection for that patient, and the current incidence of respiratory viruses including COVID-19 in the community, to manage risks associated with visiting.
  • All visitors must adhere at all times to the Mater Private Network infection prevention and control policies.
  • Visitors should not interact socially with other visitors, or with patients other than the person they have come to visit. 
  • Visits should generally occur away from mealtimes.
  • Visits should only occur in the bed space of the patient they have come to visit.
  • In our Dublin hospital: St. Joseph's Ward and the ICU do not allow children under the age of 12 years old to visit.
  • Critical circumstances or compassionate grounds*: two visitors are allowed at a time with no limit on duration or frequency of visits.
  • Routine visit/patient’s request in the absence of critical circumstances or compassionate grounds: one visitor is allowed at a time.
  • Accompanying person (parent/guardian/carer) in children’s services: one accompanying person should be supported to be with a child during their hospital admission or other hospital attendance. Parents/guardians/carers may rotate the role of accompanying person if necessary.

*Critical and compassionate circumstances: 


  • Circumstances in which end of life is imminent.
  • Circumstances in which a patient is significantly distressed or disturbed and although unable to express the desire for a visit, there is reason to believe that a visit from a significant person may relieve distress. 
  • Other circumstances in which the judgement of the medical or nursing staff, registered health or social care professional, spiritual advisor or advocate acting for that the patient, is that a visit is important for the person’s health or sense of well-being.


Monday - Sunday | 2.30pm - 3.30pm & 6.30pm - 7.30pm


Monday - Sunday | 2pm - 4.30pm & 6pm - 9pm

One person (a family member or a next of kin) can accompany patients to outpatients appointment. 

Hand Hygiene

We ask you to pay particular attention to our infection prevention and control advice when planning to visit our hospital. Hand hygiene is a hugely important factor in preventing and controlling the spread of infections. Please use soap and water, or the alcohol-based hand sanitisers throughout the hospital as needed.

Infection Control
  • If you have any infection, we would ask that you do not visit, particularly if you have respiratory symptoms, vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • If you become ill (i.e. vomiting or diarrhoea) in any toilet in the hospital, please notify a member of staff so that the area can be disinfected. Even if it appears clean, disinfection will still be required.
  • Toilets in patient rooms are for PATIENT USE ONLY. There are toilets throughout the hospital and on every ward.
Flowers and Plants

Please note that flowers and plants are no longer permitted in any part of Mater Private Network’s hospital facilities due to infection control requirements. Bacteria can be carried in soil, water or even in the dust collected on plants and flowers.

If you are a visitor to the hospital, we would ask you to consider the following:

  • Please use the hand hygiene facilities on entering and leaving the hospital
  • Do not visit the hospital if you have had diarrhoea or vomiting in the last 3 days
  • Do not visit if you feel unwell or if you think you may be an infection risk to others
  • Do not visit if you have taken alcohol or drugs
  • Please comply with visiting hours
  • Ensure children are supervised at all times
  • Do not bring infants to visit patients
  • Do not sit or lie on patient’s bed
  • Do not access un-authorised areas
  • Have consideration for other patients' needs
  • Nominate a family member as the main point of contact for sharing information regarding patient’s condition to other family members and friends.

Our hospitals are non-smoking facilities. We ask you to respect non-smoking patients by remembering not to smoke under windows.

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