Our Emergency Department in Dublin is now open every day of the week, including bank holidays, from 8am to 7pm, to provide fast and specialised treatment.

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Accessing your medical records

The GDPR and the Irish Data Protection Acts allow patients to access a copy of their personal data which is held by organisations. At Mater Private Network the protection of your data is paramount to us, and there are multiple policies and pathways in place to ensure the safe storage and transmission of your data. To access your personal medical information, please read the information below.

What information can I request?

You are entitled to request any data that we hold about you. Your medical record at a hospital will contain a history of any treatment you have had there; it may contain results of laboratory tests, x-ray results and any medical notes pertaining to your care.

Who can request my information?

Under data protection legislation you have a right to request access to your own personal data. Other parties can request information on your behalf only when consent has been provided by you. These other parties may include Next of Kin, Solicitors or other hospitals/healthcare facilities.

How can I request my own data?

If you are requesting for a copy of historical records or reports for yourself or on behalf of another patient, and are not a healthcare professional, please fill out the form below and send to our Data Subject Access Administrator at quality.admin@materprivate.ie

  Data Subject Access Request Form - Mater Private Network (pdf) | 154KB
Further Identification

As medical data is of a sensitive nature, to ensure the security of your data, we may need you to provide further information or photographic identification to confirm your identity. We will contact you where this is required. 

How can I request my information urgently?

Your Data Subject Request can take up to 30 days turnaround time, in compliance with The Data Protection Act. However, we do our best to provide the information to you as soon as possible. If you require reports or records urgently for an upcoming appointment, a healthcare professional (i.e., GP or consultant) can send a request to our Medical Records Department directly at medicalrecords@materprivate.ie. Please note that the requester will need to provide your consent, and contact Medical Records themselves. 

Will I automatically receive results from the hospital following tests?

Results from tests carried out in the hospital will be sent directly to your referring clinician from the department in which the test is carried out. We advise patients to contact their referring clinician to obtain their results. If you wish to request a copy of these results after you have discussed them with a clinician, you can email quality.admin@materprivate.ie, following the steps outlined above. This is in compliance with the Data Protection (Access Modification) (Health) Regulations, 1989.

If you have any queries surrounding your personal data, or the process of requesting a copy of your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at dataprotectionofficer@materprivate.ie

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