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Prostate rapid access clinic

Prostate Rapid Access Clinic

Prostate Rapid Access Clinic, Mater Private Network, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, D07 WKW8 1800 123 456 Outside ROI +353 (0)51 595 110 prostate@materprivate.ie

Please note that a referral letter is required before an appointment can be confirmed.

Useful Information

About our services

The Prostate Rapid Access Clinic delivered by the urology department at Mater Private Network in Dublin provides same day review and access to diagnostic tests as required for patients. Once you are referred to the service, you will be appointed to a consultant who will review your condition. All appointments are looked after by a centralised administration team who will coordinate all scheduling with patients.

Patients will be guided through the service by our specialist urology nurse who offers counselling, reliable up-to-date specialist support and information in confidence.

Patients who are suitable for this service, include those who have an elevated PSA or abnormal/DRE.

The PSA test is a blood test used to measure the PSA (protein specific antigen) level in your blood. A raised PSA level can be a sign of prostate cancer but more often it is caused by something less serious like an inflamed prostate or an enlarged prostate that comes with ageing. A DRE is a digital rectal exam, which involves your doctor physically checking how the prostate gland feels.

Any results from tests carried out during your appointment at the clinic will be sent back directly to your referring physician. If results are urgent, they will be followed up with a phone call to explain them in greater detail.

Symptoms to look out for

The prostate is a gland found only in men, at the base of the bladder, close to the back passage (rectum). The urethra, the tube through which you urinate, runs through the centre of the prostate. The prostate gland can get bigger with age and may press on the urethra, sometimes causing problems passing urine.

Many prostate problems share similar symptoms such as:

  • A reduced or slower flow of urine
  • Taking a few moments longer to get the flow started
  • Needing to pass urine more frequently, especially at night
  • Dribbling urine
  • Needing to rush to the toilet
  • Feeling of not emptying your bladder fully

If you notice any of these symptoms or indeed notice blood in your urine, you should visit your GP. Men who are over the age of 50 should have a regular prostate health check with their GP.

A common follow-up may include transperineal biopsy, this is a technique used to obtain prostatic tissue sampling.

Please note that a referral letter will be required before an appointment can be confirmed. To make an appointment please contact us or one of your consultants directly. Alternatively, you can use our request an appointment form.

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