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HeartCheck Mater Private Network


Mater Private Network, Cherrywood Business Park, Building 11, Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin, D18 DH50 01 793 4744 heartcheck@materprivate.ie

A GP referral is not required for this service.

Mater Private Network, Newenham House, Northern Cross, Malahide Rd., Dublin 17, D17 AY61 01 793 4744 heartcheck@materprivate.ie

A GP referral is not required for this service.

About our service

It's always the right time to prioritise your heart health. 

HeartCheck is designed to give you valuable insights about your cardiovascular health. It will support you to understand your risk of heart disease and help to identify any existing or underlying issues that may need to be managed. With HeartCheck you take control of your heart health, giving you peace of mind and reassurance that you are doing everything you can to protect your heart.

A HeartCheck at Mater Private Network is the right option if you are looking for a:

  • Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: if you are concerned that your lifestyle choices - such as smoking, alcohol consumption, activity levels, weight, diet - are impacting your heart health.
  • Genetic/ Familial Risk Assessment: if you have a family history of heart disease and would like to understand more about your inherited risk.
  • Cardiac Second Opinion: if you have recently been diagnosed with a heart condition or are currently living with it, and you would like to get another opinion about your treatment plan.

Our expert cardiology team are here to guide you through your heart health journey. Our cardiologists, physiologists, radiologists and specialist nurses work together to identify, perform, analyse, and support you through any necessary diagnostic tests and scans.

Our cardiologists specialise in many different aspects of cardiac care, ensuring that you receive the most up-to-date and widest range of diagnostic tests and treatment options, tailored to your individual needs.

Why is heart screening important?

Heart screening can play an important role in maintaining the health of your heart. Detecting heart issues at an early stage can help you to take positive steps towards a healthier lifestyle and access treatment early, should any be required.

Mater private HeartCheck appointment icon


With HeartCheck you take control of your heart health, giving you peace of mind and reassurance that you are doing everything you can to protect your heart.

Request an appointment

What is included in a HeartCheck appointment?

Our HeartCheck includes:

  • Consultation with a consultant cardiologist 
  • Blood pressure check
  • ECG - Electrocardiogram
  • Consultant review and report

Following your consultation, a report of your HeartCheck screening will be sent to your GP within 7 days.

Please note that further cardiac testing & diagnostic imaging may be required to assess how well your heart is working or coping with stress. These tests will be performed only if clinically indicated based on the findings from initial tests and following your consultation with our cardiologist.

These may include some of the following:

  • Echo – Echocardiogram Stress Test
  • Holter Monitor (24hr / 48hr)
  • Cardiac MRI – Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • CTCA/ CTA – CT Coronary Angiogram

Appointment information: How do I arrange an appointment?

Appointments are available at our Day Hospitals located in Northern Cross (North County Dublin) and Cherrywood (South County Dublin).

You will be contacted by our Care Team and offered a choice of a fast-tracked appointment (same or next day), or on a later date if more convenient to you.

A GP referral is not required for this service.

Before your appointment

Please complete and return via email the pre-assessment questionnaire about your medical history, in advance of your appointment.  This will help your cardiologist during the appointment to get a better understanding of any concerns you have, and your reasons for having a HeartCheck.

  HeartCheck Pre-Assessment Questionnaire (pdf) | 966KB

Pricing & insurance

The cost for a standard HeartCheck appointment is €345.  

Additional tests as outlined above will be charged separately, but will only be carried out if they are clinically indicated by your cardiologist, and with your consent in advance. 

If you have private health insurance, your insurance plan might cover part of the costs. Please contact your insurance provider for further information.

You can claim 20% tax relief in relation to medical expenses incurred on your medical expenses tax return.

Urgent Cardiac Care

If you need immediate attention because you are experiencing urgent cardiac symptoms such as chest pain, palpitations, and breathlessness, you can contact our Urgent Cardiac Care service at Mater Private in Dublin on 1800 247 999. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It does not require a GP referral.

Patients will receive phone triage by a cardiology nurse specialist, prompt and comprehensive assessment on arrival to our hospital in Eccles St., and rapid access to non-invasive cardiology services and surgical procedures if needed.

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