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Cardiac Transfer

Cardiac Catheterisation Lab Transfer Service

Contact Us

Mater Private Network, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, D07 WKW8, Ireland 1800 248 248 Outside ROI +353 (0)87 117 7598 cardiology.transfers@materprivate.ie

Useful Information

About our service

Mater Private Network offers a unique service that enables patients with private medical insurance to be transferred from the hospital where they are being treated, to Mater Private for cardiac procedures that need to be carried out in a Catherisation Laboratory (Cath Lab).

The key benefit of this service is that we operate 7 days a week and this may enable you to have your procedure carried out sooner than otherwise envisaged. Once the procedure is completed you will be brought back to your original hospital.

If this procedure is covered by your private medical insurance, there will be no additional cost to you for having this done at a Mater Private Network hospital.

What procedures are covered by this service?  

Our full range of Cath Lab procedures is covered. These procedures include:

  • Angioplasty 
  • Stenting 
  • Pacemakers 
  • Implantable Cardiovertible Defibrillators (ICD) 
  • Electrophysiology (EP) Studies & Ablation 
  • Valve Replacement 
  • Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Closure 

Benefits of our Cardiac Cath Lab Transfer Service  

  • Access to Experts: Ireland’s largest team of Consultant Cardiologists and Specialist Cardiac Arrhythmia Service 
  • Tried and Tested Service: Over 1,000 patient transfers per year 
  • Un-matched resources:  8 Theatres and 3 Cath Labs open 24/7 
  • No additional cost: Door to door ambulance service and procedure costs covered by most private health insurers 
  • Reassuring: Rapid access to cardiac procedures, without extended waiting periods 
  • No impact on insurance premium: No increase in your subsequent premium renewal costs 
  • Convenient: Return to your original hospital once the procedure is completed 
  • Support: Dedicated Cardiac Transfer team takes care of all arrangements 

How the service works:  
  • If you would like to be considered for this service, your hospital will contact Mater Private with your insurance details to request a transfer. 
  • Your insurance policy will be checked, and cover will be confirmed by the Mater Private team. If you are eligible for the Cardiac Transfer Service, your case will be discussed with a Mater Private Consultant Cardiologist.  
  • Your hospital will be contacted by Mater Private to arrange a time for the procedure to be carried out. Your hospital will arrange for an ambulance to collect you and transfer you to Mater Private.  
  • Once you arrive at the Mater Private Cath Lab, the procedure will be carried out. As soon as you are medically fit for discharge from the Cath Lab and to travel, the Mater Private Cardiac Transfer team will arrange for an ambulance to transport you back to your original hospital. 
  • If for any reason, you are not fit to travel back to your original hospital after the procedure, we will contact your hospital, and the Cardiac Transfer team will arrange to admit you to Mater Private temporarily. 
  • When you are fit to travel, you will be discharged and returned by ambulance to your original hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, you will not receive a bill from Mater Private for using the Cardiac Transfer Service. Once Mater Private accepts you as a patient for this service, your private health insurance covers all related costs, including the cost of transportation by ambulance.

No, unlike other types of insurance, there is not a “no claims bonus” with medical insurance policies. Your insurance premium will not be affected in any way by using your insurance to avail of services and procedures you are covered for.

No, you are not moving ahead of other patients on the public waiting list by availing of this service – you are taking yourself off the public waiting list for this procedure only. Public hospitals may not have the facilities to carry out the procedure out of hours or at weekends, whereas Mater Private can carry out this procedure 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This is one of the reasons you pay for your health insurance, to get access to treatment and services when you need them. Once the procedure has been completed, you can return to your original hospital to continue your treatment.

Yes, your insurance provider requires you to sign this form in order to avail of the treatments and services covered by your insurance policy. This form covers the duration of your hospital stay, and all necessary treatment including your transfer and any procedures carried out at Mater Private. However, without this signed form, your insurance provider may not cover the costs of treatment.

All you need to do is provide details of your private medical insurance policy to your medical team and ask them to contact the Cardiac Transfer team at Mater Private. If you are eligible, the Cardiac Transfer team will take care of everything else.