Our Emergency Department in Dublin is now open every day of the week, including bank holidays, from 8am to 7pm, to provide fast and specialised treatment.

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Your Admission

Please arrive at the hospital at the time specified by your Consultant’s Secretary or Hospital Admission team.

If, for any reason, you are unable to arrive at this time, please contact the Admissions Office as soon as possible. Please note, your admission time is not the same as your procedure time.

  • Cork:  021 601 3435
  • Dublin: 01 885 8468 / 01 698 4952
    (Monday to Friday: 9am - 8pm | Saturday: Closed | Sunday: 12pm - 8pm)

Dublin: When you enter the foyer, the first step is to register your arrival at one of the check-in kiosks. This signals your arrival to our Admissions team. Once you have completed your check-in at the kiosk, please take a seat in the admissions area and wait to be called to one of the admissions offices.

We offer an in-house concierge service to assist patients with the check-in process. Our Concierge can also assist patients who have mobility issues to travel from the registration area to the clinical area. 

This service is available in our Dublin hospital Monday to Friday from 6am to 6pm | Saturday from 6am to 2pm.

Cork: When you arrive at the hospital, please check in at the main reception; our Reception team will direct you to the admissions office. 

You will be asked to complete any necessary documentation including general consent, insurance, payment, and any other administration requirements.

During your admission, our team will review any specific assistance needs or special requirements  that you may have.

We will record your next of kin, and if required, your nominee with whom we can discuss your clinical information. 

It is a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirement that we receive and record your consent to store your personal data (such as name, address, and date of birth). To record your consent, you will be asked to sign a ‘General Consent Form’ at admission.

All information is treated in strict confidence, your rights to confidentiality are respected, and all staff are bound by our strict code of confidentiality. For more information, read our Privacy Policy.

When you arrive, you will be issued with an identification (ID) bracelet. Before you put it on, please check the information on your ID bracelet to make sure your name and date of birth are correct.

Please wear your ID bracelet throughout your stay; do not remove it.

If your ID bracelet comes off, please inform your nurse who will issue you with a new one.

During your stay, you will notice that we regularly check your identity. Even though we know you, we may ask you to give your name, date of birth, or other details. From time-to-time there are patients with the same or similar names in the hospital; this is an important "time out" procedure to ensure we always have the correct patient and is in line with international best-practice standards.

Once the administration is completed, you will be taken to your designated room or ward, where the staff will settle you in and discuss information about your condition and planned treatment and care.

In our Dublin hospital, you can tune into Channel 26 on your TV, where you will find a short information video about your room and your stay.

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