Essential road maintenance works are being conducted by Dublin City Council on Eccles Street from Monday, 20th January until 27th January.

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Insurance Cover

This section is intended to provide you with an overview of the current Insurance cover for Mater Private Network's hospitals. Insurance cover can vary greatly. Please call your Insurance provider directly to check your level of cover if you are considering attending Mater Private as a patient.

Insurance Checker

Insurance Checker

Use our handy guide to check your level of health insurance cover.

Check your cover

Insurance cover and costs related to medical treatment are at times difficult to get clarity on. We have direct settlement agreements in place with all main insurers but there are times you may not be fully covered.

We have a team of trained experts who can help you understand your level of insurance cover, and any associated costs, for the treatment you need at Mater Private in Dublin. In the event that you change your insurance provider or plan, you can call us to check that your new plan covers you sufficiently at Mater Private Network.

Once you know your treatment, or even if you have an idea of the type of procedure you might need, call us and we will work with you to determine how much, if any, cost you may incur.

  • The name of your insurance plan
  • The plan number
  • The procedure name 
  • The procedure code - ask your Consultant or their Secretary for this
  • How long have you been with your current insurer?
  • Have you changed policy recently? When?
  • Who was your previous insurer?


Patients will be advised of any excesses and or shortfalls on admission or you can call in advance on 01 885 8856, 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday.

If there is a hospital shortfall and/or excess, you will be asked to pay this on or prior to admission.

Mater Private Hospital Cork is covered by all private health insurers.

The majority of plans offer full cover for procedures at Mater Private Hospital Cork, including day-case and in-patient treatment.

If you have questions about your level of cover for a treatment or procedure, please call us directly on 021 601 3374 to talk through the detail. Please have your plan name ready and we will take it from there.

Alternatively, you can email us at and we will address your enquiry as quickly as possible.

These are just some examples of levels of cover you can expect at Mater Private Hospital Cork:

  • Basic plans offer 60% cover for semi-private or private; 60% cover for day-case or side-room.
  • Mid-range plans offer full cover on semi-private, day-case or side-room.
  • Top plans offer full cover on semi-private, private, day-case or side-room.

If you are renewing your plan and want to check that you will be covered at the Mater Private Hospital Cork, call us with the name of the plan and we will check it for you.

You can reach us on 021 601 3200 or

Health insurance cover is in place for Mater Private Day Hospitals.

For patients attending Mater Private Day Hospitals, direct settlement cover with VHI is now in place for patients referred by a GP for an MRI, non-Oncology CT or Dexa scan. These and other diagnostic tests such as Echo are also covered when referred by a Consultant. The majority of VHI plans are included in this agreement.

Other health insurance plans and cash benefit plans may offer outpatient benefits which cover/partially cover diagnostic and testing costs. Consultation expenses may also be fully or partially covered depending on the insurance provider and insurance plan.  

To check your cover, please contact us. If you are not covered, we can discuss pricing options with you.

We continue to focus on extending the range of cover available to those with private health insurance. Please note, insurance cover is not necessary for attendance.

Both public and private patients are treated at the Mid-Western Radiation Oncology Centre.

All major health insurers offer cover at the Mid-Western Radiation Oncology Centre. You can contact us to discuss your level of cover.

Most insurance companies do not offer direct settlement for outpatient services and payment is due on the day the service is provided. Depending on the outpatient benefit scheme on your insurance plan you may be able to claim some of the cost back from you insurer.

You may also claim back Medical costs incurred by completing a MED1 form. This is available on the Revenue website.

Shortfall is the difference between the full price and that which your insurer covers. It is the amount the policy holder is liable to pay. A Shortfall is normally applied on a per night or per procedure basis. Please call us on 01 885 8856 (Dublin) or 021 601 3267 (Cork) to confirm any shortfall.

Policy excess is the amount of money that you pay towards your hospital bills before you can claim back from your insurer. This is a once off payment that is normally applied on a per admission basis. Please call us on 01 885 8856 (Dublin) or 021 601 3267 (Cork) to confirm any policy excess.

Waiting period: this is the period of time imposed by your insurance company during which you may have limited or no cover. The timeframe of the waiting period will depend on the type of waiting period applied to your policy. We strongly recommend that you confirm this information with your insurance provider prior to attending in order to avoid any unexpected costs relating to your care.