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Lung Cancer Surgery

Cancer Centre, Mater Private Network, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, D07 WKW8 01 885 8562 1800 123 456

Please note a referral letter is required before an appointment can be confirmed.

Useful Information

About lung cancer surgery

Lung cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Ireland. About 2,700 people in Ireland are diagnosed with lung cancer every year.  The aim of surgery is to remove the part of the lung containing cancer.

Surgery is most commonly used for non-small cell lung cancer, if the tumour is found in one lung or if the lymph nodes involved are close to the lung.

Lung cancer surgery can involve removing a portion of the lung or the entire lung:

  • Wedge resection: removes the lung cancer and a small portion of healthy tissue
  • Segmental resection: removes a larger area of the lung
  • Lobectomy: removes one of the lung's five lobes
  • Pneumonectomy: removes an entire lung

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