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Carboydrate Counting & Insulin Adjustment

Mater Private Network, Diabetes & Endocrine Centre, 10 - 11 Berkeley Street, Dublin 7, D07 Y032 01 882 2610 diabetescentre@materprivate.ie

Please note a referral letter is required before an appointment can be confirmed.

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About this service

Carbohydrate counting is an excellent tool for people living with diabetes who require insulin to treat their condition.

What is carbohydrate counting?

Foods containing carbohydrate have the greatest effect on blood glucose (sugar) compared to foods containing protein or fat. Carbohydrate counting is a method of calculating grams of carbohydrate consumed at meals and snacks and matching insulin requirements to the amount of carbohydrate that is eaten or drank. Carbohydrate counting is an extremely useful method of meal planning for individuals who require insulin to treat their diabetes.

At Mater Private diabetes centre we offer a programme specifically designed to train and support you in this technique.

Our program provides a greater understanding of carbohydrates and how they affect blood glucose levels, giving you greater freedom with your food while still achieving good diabetes control.

You will learn what foods contain carbohydrates, how many servings of carbohydrate containing foods you should select for meals and snacks and how to calculate the required insulin dose for that meal or snack, all of which help to control your blood glucose and achieve your weight goals.

Counting carbohydrates can take a while to become competent at and requires patience and diligence, and for some time it will be necessary to measure foods.

The programme

The programme consists of three sessions delivered by the dietitian and the diabetes nurse.

  • Assessment of your understanding and management of your diabetes.
  • An individual session with the dietician for review of your diet, intensive education in carbohydrate counting and insulin. Advice on alcohol and exercise.
  • Telephone contact to monitor and advice on accuracy of carbohydrate counting, insulin doses and assessment of blood glucose levels.
  • Review of carbohydrate counting, insulin calculations for meals, blood glucose levels.
  • Advice on daily management, how to troubleshoot for hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia.
  • Review of diet and accuracy of carbohydrate counting.
  • Fine tuning for exercise.
  • Discussion of any day-to-day issues of concern.