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Primary Services
Areas of Expertise
Hip and knee. Arthroplasty including revision surgery. Hip and knee arthroplasty. Knee arthrocsopic procedures. Orthopaedic trauma.
Education & Experience
Mr. Martin Murphy graduated MB BCh BAO from UCC in 1993, following which he underwent surgical training and obtained FRCSEd and FRCSI Fellowships in 2000. He then completed the higher surgical training scheme in trauma and orthopaedic surgery (Royal College of Surgeons) and was awarded the fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in trauma and orthopaedic Surgery in 2011.
Mr. Murphy completed clinical attachments in Lecco, Italy with Ilizarov Frames under Prof M. Catagni, and completed the Baltimore limb deformity and advanced taylor spatial frame course in Baltimore. He had further clinical attachments at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, Dallas, and Boston Children’s Hospital, dealing with young/adolescent hip problems. He returned to Ireland in 2013 and has held consultant orthopaedic surgeon positions at Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, St James’s Hospital, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Tallaght University Hospital and Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital.
Special Interests
Mr. Murphy has published numerous peer reviewed articles in basic science and clinical orthopaedics. His interests include primary hip and knee arthroplasty and revision hip and knee arthroplasty, knee arthroscopy and trauma.
Our Services
Mater Private Network offers a comprehensive range of services across all health areas and in a choice of locations. Have a look at our service list and if you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us directly.
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