Dr. Naomi Rahman
Oral Surgery, PaediatricsContact Details
Primary Services
Areas of Expertise
Dentoalveolar surgery.
Education & Experience
Dr. Rahman qualified from Trinity College Dublin in 2004 in Dentistry. Naomi has worked as a house officer in the Dublin Dental School and Hospital, and also in general practice. She was awarded the membership of the Faculty of Dentistry by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2006.
The following year, she undertook a three year doctorate programme in oral surgery in the Dublin Dental School and Hospital. Her thesis topics were on trigeminal neuralgia and dental and oro-facial pain. In 2010, she was awarded a fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in oral surgery.
Special Interests
Naomi is particularly active in the continuing education field, providing hands on courses and lectures for dentists regularly.
Clinical Research & Professional Memberships
She is a reviewer for articles submitted to the Journal of the Irish Dental Association, and is the President for the Metropolitan Branch of the Irish Dental Association. She is on the committee for the Irish Association of Oral Surgeons.
Our Services
Mater Private Network offers a comprehensive range of services across all health areas and in a choice of locations. Have a look at our service list and if you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us directly.
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