Essential road maintenance works are being conducted by Dublin City Council on Eccles Street from Monday, 20th January until 27th January.

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15th February 2024

New medication dispensing equipment launches at Mater Private Network in Dublin

Location: Dublin

We have introduced the first fully automated medication dispensing equipment in Ireland in our Dublin hospital, which will have a significant positive impact on patient care and will enable us to digitally manage medications throughout the organisation.

The introduction of these ADCs has several benefits for staff who are working on these wards, which in turn, will also have a positive impact on patient welfare and the availability of important medications.

Two Mater Private Network health professionals are pointing at the new medication dispensing equipment.
Among these benefits are:

  • Increased availability of pharmacists to support patient care and staff education
  • Wider range of medications available at ward level for more efficient dispensing to patients
  • Reduced risk of medication errors
  • Improved medication traceability to ensure compliance with clinical guidelines and audit requirements
  • Improved stock management to reduce medicine waste
  • Improved medication safety and communication

The introduction of the Automatic Medication Dispensing Cabinets (ADCs) comes as part of a new quality initiative undertaken by our Pharmacy, Nursing, and IT Departments in Dublin over the course of 2023.

Three female and one male member of the teams involved in introducing the new medication equipment are standing together in front of a screen which displays the MedDispense logo.

Following an extensive review and planning, the ADCs are now fully functional on St Brigid’s and St Elizabeth’s wards in our Dublin hospital on Eccles Street.

This has been a significant project and moving forward, ADCs will be gradually rolled out across all wards in our Dublin hospital.