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Paediatric Ophthalmology

What eye conditions can be assessed in paediatric ophthalmology at Mater Private? 

The Eye Centre has four paediatric ophthalmologists with expertise in assessing and treating children over three years of age with a multiplicity of eye conditions such as: 

  • Strabismusthe surgery involves tightening the weak muscles and/or loosening the stronger ones so that the eyes are positioned better. Absorbable stitches are used to hold the eye muscles in their new position. During surgery, the eye is never removed from its socket and the skin around the eye is not cut. No lasers are used and the surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic. 
  • Ambylopia: amblyopia means a decrease in vision, usually in one eye. Sometimes the term “lazy eye” is used to describe it. Amblyopia can be caused by any condition or illness that blurs the image or makes it impossible for the eyes to work together. 
  • Retinal conditions 
  • Stargardts disease: Stargardt disease is the most common form of inherited juvenile macular degeneration and affects the portion of the retina known as the macula. The macula is the central portion of the retina that contains photoreceptor cells known as cone cells, which are responsible for central (reading) vision and for colour vision. Decreased central vision can usually be seen first in a child when for example, they find difficulty in seeing the board in the classroom. 

If an eye condition is diagnosed for my child, where can they be treated? 

We work together with Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, and carry out specialist scans and treatment for patients from the children’s hospital. All types of childhood ocular pathology are seen and referrals are received from all over Ireland, with access taking on average just two weeks from referral to appointment.