Our Emergency Department in Dublin is now open every day of the week, including bank holidays, from 8am to 7pm, to provide fast and specialised treatment.

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Patient Charter

At each of our Mater Private Network facilities, we pride ourselves on our exceptional standards of patient care.

During your stay at the hospital, your wellbeing is our primary concern, and we will do everything we can to help you feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

To help reduce any anxiety you may be feeling and to give you an increased level of confidence in dealing with us,  it is important that you know what you can expect from us, what we ask of you and, if you are not happy, how you can make a complaint. If there is anything you need or any questions you would like answered, please do not hesitate to ask any member of staff, who are always more than happy to help.

  • Appropriate and timely medical care that is in your best interest
  • Considerate and respectful medical care that acknowledges your spiritual beliefs
  • Care delivered in a clean and safe environment
  • The hospital respects the right of patients, and in some circumstances the right of the patient’s family, to have the prerogative to determine what information regarding your care would be provided to your family or others and under what circumstances
  • You have the right to request to seek a second opinion without fear of compromise to your care.


  • You should receive information about hospital services and the financial implications of the services
  • You have the right to be informed of your medical conditions and any confirmed diagnosis, plan of care and treatment, expected outcomes of care and treatment and any unanticipated outcomes of care and treatment
  • You should receive information about your medical condition and the informed by the staff who will be involved in your care, in a language that you understand.
  • You are entitled to participate in the decisions about medical investigations and treatments you will receive, and you have the right to refuse or discontinue your treatment
  • You will generally be asked to give your consent before any of these investigations or treatments are carried out
  • You can be assured that all your personal medical information will be treated as strictly confidential.
  • You are entitled to reasonable privacy during procedures, treatment and transport. 
  • You have the right to access care in a safe and secure environment free from any type of discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender, marital status, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, disability or family status.
  • If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care, you are entitled to make a complaint. This complaint will be dealt with fairly and promptly and you will be informed of the outcome. Our management guarantees that all complaints will be treated in accordance with our Complaints Policy.
We ask you to
  • Participate as much as possible in decisions regarding your care as you are an important judge of your care
  • Provide us with accurate and complete information about any previous medical history,  medications and other facts that may affect your healthcare. The more information we have, the better we will be able to assess and treat your condition
  • Have consideration for your fellow patients, their families and hospital staff
  • Let us know if you do not understand any aspect of the information we give you. We are always happy to explain your treatment more clearly to you
  • Provide us with accurate and up-to-date financial and health insurance information
  • Keep your hospital appointment or give reasonable notice if you need to cancel and re-schedule an appointment
  • Comply with the care agreed upon with your care providers
  • Follow the Hospital’s Health and Safety policies, including our smoking policy.
Complaints Procedure

Mater Private Network aims to provide you with the best possible medical treatment and to resolve complaints at the earliest opportunity. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care or services we provide, please tell the staff member you are dealing with. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive please ask to speak with the department/ward manager to discuss the issue. 

If you are still unhappy with your care, you are entitled to make a formal complaint. Our management guarantees that all complaints will be treated in accordance with our Complaints Policy.

If you wish to make a complaint you can:

  • use our comment card which is available throughout the Hospital 
  • write directly to the Director of Quality or Director of Nursing
  • Or use the patient feedback form on our website

Your complaint will be dealt with fairly and promptly and you will be informed of the outcome. Formal complaints should be made in writing to either of the following addresses: 

  • Mater Private Dublin: Director of Quality or Director of Nursing Mater Private Hospital, Eccles St, Dublin 7. 
  • Mater Private Cork: Director of Nursing or Patient Services Manager, Mater Private Hospital, City Gate, Mahon, Cork

If a family member or friend is making a complaint on your behalf we must have your written consent to discuss your care and any issues they raise concerning your time with us.  A member of our staff will be happy to provide you with a consent form.

  • You will receive a written acknowledgement of receipt of your complaint within one week
  • An investigation of the details of the complaint will be carried out as soon as possible
  • You will receive a response within one month from the date of acknowledgement of your complaint by the Hospital
  • You will be provided with an explanation of the findings of the investigation and any subsequent action/review of procedures undertaken by the Hospital

Where necessary, you will be provided with the opportunity to meet the Director of Quality or Director of Nursing to discuss the details of your complaint further.