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Primary Services
Areas of Expertise
General surgery: diagnostic laparoscopy. Haemorrhoidectomy. Laparoscopic choleycystectomy. Laparascopic hernia repair. Open hernia repair. Perianal abscess. Pilonidal sinus surgery. Removal of cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions. Thyroid. Parathyroid. Vascular surgery: carotid surgery. Peripheral vascular surgery. Varicose vein surgery.
Education & Experience
Mr. Khan graduated from Liaquat Medical University of Health Sciences, Jamshoro, in 1992. After completion of his internship he was appointed as a post graduate trainee in Liaquat Medical College Hospital and Civil Hospital, Karachi.
He moved to Ireland in 2001. He completed his higher surgical training in Ireland in various teaching hospitals including prestigious University College Hospitals. He was awarded fellowship of the Royal College in Ireland after successful completion of his higher training and Intercollegiate Specialty Board Examination of Royal Colleges. Following that, he was appointed as consultant surgeon in general and vascular surgery.
Mr. Khan also holds a post graduate diploma in medical science from NUIG.
Special Interests
General Surgery
Bowel and coloproctological conditions ranging from constipation, rectal bleeding, haemorrhoids, anal fistulae, complex pilonidal sinus, and diverticular disease.
Incisional hernia repair using the minimal access approach; abdominal wall reconstruction; and surgery for stomas (ileostomy and colostomy). Inguinal hernias are repaired using the latest techniques of keyhole surgery and meshes to minimise pain and scarring.
Gall bladder surgery using keyhole techniques, surgery for benign breast conditions and minor surgical procedures (lumps and bumps).
Mr. Khan performs all endocrine procedures including thyroid, parathyroid (minimally invasive) and keyhole adrenal gland surgery.
Mr. Khan is an advanced endoscopist with training in removal of large and complex colonic polyps using techniques like Endomucosal Resection (EMR). He also provides a full range of upper GI endoscopy (OGD) including oesophageal stents and dilatation.
Vascular Surgery
Open and endovacular surgery for the aorta, peripheral vascular disease, carotid surgery, botox for excessive sweating, surgery for varicose veins including all minimally invasive endovenous techniques.
Clinical Research & Professional Memberships
- Fellow of European Board of Surgery.
- Member of European Society of Emergency & Trauma Surgery.
- Clinical fellowship in Vascular Trauma & Endovascular Surgery (Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, 2014).
Teaching & Training Experience
Mr. Khan has received the highest training in various surgical specialties including general, colorectal, endocrine including minimally invasive endocrine surgery and vascular and endovascular surgery.
He was actively involved in teaching and continuing medical education throughout his career.
He has published in various peer reviewed international medical journals.
Our Services
Mater Private Network offers a comprehensive range of services across all health areas and in a choice of locations. Have a look at our service list and if you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us directly.
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