Dr. Waseem Darwish
Oncology (Medical Oncology)Secretary contact details
Contact Details
Primary Services
Areas of Expertise
Thoracic malignancy. Genitourinary cancer. Gastrointestinal cancers. Skin malignancies.
Education & Experience
Dr. Waseem Darwish is a Consultant Medical Oncologist at Mater Private Network, Dublin.
Dr. Waseem Darwish graduated with MB BCh from Aden University (Yemen) in 2004. During his medical oncology training in Ireland, Dr. Darwish completed his MD in Advanced Medical Oncology from the University of Ulm (Germany) in October 2019. He is certified as a thoracic oncologist by the University of Zurich, Switzerland (May 2022). Dr. Darwish recently completed a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Gastrointestinal Cancer (CAS-GI) from Bellinzona, USI Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Lugano-Switzerland and Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC), Lugano-Switzerland in October 2023.
Special Interests
Dr. Darwish’s areas of interest include thoracic malignancy, genitourinary cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, and skin malignancies.
Clinical Research & Professional Memberships
Dr. Darwish is a principal investigator in international studies in lung, melanomas, and GI cancer, and is a sub-investigator in other clinical trials including GI, GU, and breast cancer. Dr Darwish has a number of peer-reviewed publications.
Our Services
Mater Private Network offers a comprehensive range of services across all health areas and in a choice of locations. Have a look at our service list and if you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us directly.
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