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Primary Services
Education & Experience
Dr. Ricardo Camperos-Moreno is a Respiratory Medicine specialist at Mater Private Network, Cork.
Dr. Camperos-Moreno obtained his medical degree from Carabobo University in Valencia, Venezuela. He trained as a specialist in respiratory medicine at the renowned La Paz University Hospital in Madrid, Spain. During his training, Dr. Camperos-Moreno completed clinical placements at St Thomas' Hospital in London and the Ruhrlandklinik in Essen, Germany.
He holds a master's degree in General Respiratory Medicine from TECH University (2023) and a master's degree in Pulmonary Vascular Diseases from CEU San Pablo University (2024).
Dr. Camperos-Moreno previously worked at Ramón y Cajal University Hospital in Madrid, where he managed a general respiratory clinic and a specialized clinic in pulmonary hypertension.
Special Interests
Dr. Camperos-Moreno has significant expertise in diagnosing and managing a wide range of respiratory conditions, including asthma, COPD, respiratory infections, lung cancer and nodules, pulmonary vascular diseases, and sleep apnoea. He also specializes in the evaluation and treatment of respiratory symptoms, such as chronic cough and unexplained breathlessness.
In terms of procedural expertise, Dr. Camperos-Moreno has a particular interest in diagnostic bronchoscopy, as well as point-of-care ultrasound, pleural ultrasound, and endobronchial ultrasound.
Clinical Research & Professional Memberships
- Member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS)
- Member of the Spanish Respiratory Society (SEPAR)
- Member of the Madrid Respiratory Society (NEUMOMADRID)
Our Services
Mater Private Network offers a comprehensive range of services across all health areas and in a choice of locations. Have a look at our service list and if you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us directly.
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