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Prof. Marcus Kennedy

Respiratory Medicine


Contact Details

Mater Private Network, Suite 4, 3rd Floor, Citygate, Mahon, Cork 021 601 3338 Office.MarcusKennedy@materprivate.ie

Useful Information

Primary Services

Areas of Expertise

General physician. Interventional pulmonology.


Education and experience

Professor Marcus Kennedy MD FRCPI FCCP trained in both Ireland and USA, and is USA board certified in Internal, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. After working as a consultant in Sligo University hospital and University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, USA, he joined Cork University Hospital in 2010 as a respiratory consultant with special interest in lung cancer and interventional pulmonology. He is the current clinical lead of the Respiratory Department at Cork University Hospital. In April 2024 he joined Mater Private Network in Cork, where he runs a weekly private clinic. 


Special Interests

Prof. Kennedy has a particular interest in common respiratory symptoms such as cough, breathlessness and wheeze, and common lung diseases including COPD, sleep apnoea, emphysema, lung nodules, lung cancer and asthma.


Clinical Research & Professional Memberships

Prof. Kennedy was chair of the National Cancer Control Program (NCCP) Lung Cancer Guideline published in 2017, and the National COVID guideline for Bronchoscopy. He was chair of the HSE NCCP Lung Cancer Group from 2017-2020. He initiated and was the first chair of the development group of the National Quality Program in Bronchoscopy

Prof. Kennedy is the current President of the Irish Thoracic Society (2023-2025). He has received numerous peer-reviewed grants for research and has published over 80 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, which you can view here.

Our Services

Mater Private Network offers a comprehensive range of services across all health areas and in a choice of locations. Have a look at our service list and if you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us directly.

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