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Dr. Aoife Mc Sweeney



Contact Details

Mater Private Network, Citygate, Mahon, Cork, T12 K199, Ireland 021 201 0764 Dr.McSweeney.Office@materprivate.ie

Useful Information

Primary Services

Areas of Expertise

Minimally invasive gynaecologic surgery.


Education and Experience

Dr. Aoife Mc Sweeney is a Consultant Gynaecologist at Mater Private Network, Cork. 

Dr. Mc Sweeney studied medicine in UCC and graduated in 2009. She then completed specialist training in obstetrics and gynaecology, working in a variety of teaching hospitals to acquire experience in all aspects of the specialty. Having completed training in Ireland, in 2019, she undertook an international fellowship in minimally invasive gynaecologic surgery at Sydney Women’s Endosurgery Centre, Sydney, Australia. In 2020, Dr. Mc Sweeney was awarded a masters in leadership in healthcare, by UCC. She has worked as a tutor for a number of universities, UCC, Trinity College and UCD and University New South Wales. She also has an associate fellowship in higher education, which she obtained through University of New South Wales. She joined Mater Private Network in 2022.


Special Interests

She has an interest in the medical and surgical management of gynaecological issues, including endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids and menstrual problems. She has training and experience in laparoscopy, often referred to as keyhole surgery and performing surgeries such as hysterectomy, excision of endometriosis, ovarian cystectomy, uterine polypectomy and myomectomy.


Clinical research and Professional Memberships

She is a member of Royal College of Physicians Ireland, (MRCPI), as well as Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists UK, (MRCOG). She is also a member of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy, ESGE. 

She has been involved in research throughout her career and has received two awards, the Associations of Physicians Research Prize in 2009 and National University of Ireland and HRB Watts Medal 2008 Health Research Board of Ireland. 

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