19th September 2023

Chronic Pain | Prof. Dominic Hegarty on the Pat Kenny Show Newstalk

According to Professor Dominic Hegarty, Consultant in Pain Management & Neuromodulation and Clinical Director at Mater Private Network in Cork, 1 in 3 people in Ireland are living with chronic pain. Although every individual will experience pain differently, it is important to be aware of the warning signs that you might be suffering from chronic pain. 

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Fibromyalgia | Prof. Dominic Hegarty on RTÉ 2FM

Sep 7, 2023, 12:07 PM
Professor Dominic Hegarty, Consultant in Pain Management & Neuromodulation, and Clinical Director at Mater Private Network in Cork, recently spoke with Lottie on the Jennifer Zamparelli Show on 2FM about fibromyalgia and strategies for effective pain management.
Title : Fibromyalgia | Prof. Dominic Hegarty on RTÉ 2FM
Featured Interview : No
Publish Date : Sep 4, 2023, 15:04 PM
consultantinterviews :
  • Pain Management

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