Cancer Care
Contact Us
Request an AppointmentPlease note that a referral letter is required before an appointment can be confirmed.
Please note that a referral letter is required before an appointment can be confirmed.
Useful Information
Established in Dublin in 1986, for over 35 years the Cancer Centre has provided medical support and personal care to patients with cancer throughout Ireland.
Since then, our cancer services have expanded and now include a comprehensive cancer centre in Dublin, and a radiotherapy centre in Limerick and Liverpool.
Why choose the Cancer Centre at Mater Private Dublin
Because every person and every cancer is different, at Mater Private Dublin’s Cancer Centre, you will be cared for by a group of highly experienced consultants, each specialising in a particular area of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Our consultants are supported by their registrars, specialist cancer nurses, radiologists, pathologists, administration and support services. Together, they comprise our cancer care team. You will also encounter many other teams that may not be directly involved in your treatment pathway, but who are there to support and assist you in whatever way they can. We provide diagnostic services, cancer surgery and non-surgical treatment options such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other forms of drug therapy, as well as palliative care.
Extensive facilities
Our facilities include:
- Nine fully equipped operating theatres
- Diagnostic imaging department - includes X-ray, CT scan, ultrasound, MRI
- Robotic-assisted surgery
- Triple assessment clinic for urgent breast symptoms
- Radiotherapy department - includes external radiation therapy, internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy)
- Chemotherapy treatment
- Cancer genetics service
- Pathology laboratory
- Pulmonary function laboratory
Our cancer centre is focused on providing the highest standards of care to each and everyone of our patients. We work hard to ensure compliance with international and national standards including the HIQA guidelines on breast disease and the National Cancer Control Programme standards on Cervical Cancer Services. Our hospital is also accredited by JCI, the international quality and patient safety accreditation for hospitals.
Our satellite radiotherapy centres in Limerick and Liverpool bring our services closer to our patients who are outside Dublin, giving you the choice of where you prefer to have your radiotherapy treatment.
Patient pathway
For every cancer patient, the pathway to diagnosis is unique. No matter what your journey looks like, we encourage you to be an active participant in your care.

Our Radiotherapy Centres
Our Services
Conditions Treated
Our consultants in Dublin


Our consultants in Limerick